What time is the curfew today Christmas Eve in Valencia

Christmas Eve today will be very special. A celebration with many restrictions because of the Covid pandemic. The limitation of the freedom of movement of people at night is established in the Comunitat Valenciana from 23.00 to 6.00 hours, except the nights of 24 and 31 December 2020 in which the mobility restriction will start at midnightThe only reason for this is to allow the return to the home. Under no circumstances may this time extension be used to travel to different social gatherings.

These movements can only be made within the Community, since the region is confined under perimetral closing until 15 January 2021, except for those journeys duly justified.

And that’s not the only restriction for this special holiday. The Council has limited a maximum of 6 people for the social-family meetingsexcept between live-in partners. It is also recommended that in these meetings the two cohabitation groups are not exceeded.

The party won’t last long tonight either in bars or restaurants. The closing time for restaurants and hotels will be at 00.00 hours on the nights of 24 and 31 December and the tables will be occupied by a maximum of 6 people.

The Valencia Local Police has already warned on social networks that in these key days of the holidays will strengthen the presence of agents on the street, incorporate static controls in areas of pedestrians and shopping centers and perform fixed and mobile traffic controls.

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