A high school in Alzira asks its teachers not to send group work out of the classroom

Parents of students of IES Rei in Jaume de Alzira have shown their discomfort because one of the Physical Education teachers made it a compulsory duty to do group work outside the classroom.

“Four minors meet every day in a house without being checked for masks or distances. It poses a serious risk and encourages contagion,” denounces one of the mothers.

From the management of the centre they explain that the work in question was a practice for recording outdoors so it wasn’t necessary to access the houses. However, “out of common sense” they point out that a to circulate to teachers so that this type of joint work is not requested to prevent students from gathering uncontrollably outside the classrooms.

Parents consider that although this type of work may be included in the schedules, these should be updated due to the current epidemiological situation and “for ethical reasons”.

The institute’s management explains that the council’s protocol does not stipulate anything specific about this type of activity, but they state that they are not recommended, so they will no longer be included in any subjects to prevent younger students from meeting outside the classroom for this reason.

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