! Valencia Today – Municipal Golf School Opens In Elche


Municipal golf school opens in ElcheThe Comunitat Valenciana’s first municipal golf school was opened in Elche on Monday by Mayoress Mercedes Alonso, who presented the facility as an incentive for families, sports fans and congresses to visit the municipality.

The golf school occupies an area of 53,000 square metres next to the Hospital del Vinalopó and the new leisure and sports park, and has been installed there thanks to a deal by which the Town Hall acquired the land on a 40-year lease. The aim, according to Sra Alonso, is to promote golf in the municipality and make it accessible and affordable for all, and in order to back up this policy it is proposed that the sport will be taught in local primary schools. The pupils will be allowed to use the golf school free of charge.

In addition, special programs for the physically and mentally disabled are to be set up, and members of the public will be allowed to attend at a cost of no more than one or two euros per day by means of a year-long season ticket.

Thanks to support from the Golf Federation of the Comunitat Valenciana and the Spanish Golf Federation the taxpayers of Elche have not had to pay for the school, and the two federations will also be in charge of maintenance. Among the facilities included are a driving range, nine short practice holes and meeting and conference rooms.

Opposition politicians have criticized the process by which the council acquired the plot and say that the installation is not wanted by the people of Elche, although the Mayoress is adamant that the investment made into teaching youngsters to enjoy golf from an early age is very worthwhile indeed.

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