A total of 15 activities are being organized during the month of November at the Parque Natural de La Mata y Torrevieja as part of a program to encourage more local residents and visitors to enjoy the surroundings of the lakes. The varied program of events includes ornithological and explanatory tours, workshops, conferences and charity activities and this month the park is the featured park of the month for the Comunidad Valenciana. The activities are in Spanish, ( often there will be somebody participating who is happy to help with English translations) but many of them can equally be enjoyed by non-Spanish speakers and all are free of charge.
All activities included in the schedule are free of charge, and booking is at [email protected] or by telephone on 966 920404.
More information about the park and activities which can be enjoyed all year by clicking, Parque La Mata Torrevieja
5th to 9th November, “Nidifica-T” exhibition of birds’ nests in Torrevieja
Ornithology exhibition at the La Mata-Torrevieja Natural Park
This is an exhibition of various nests which have been collected from the La Mata-Torrevieja park over the course of the last year, and is open every day for the duration of the display at the Information Centre of the park from 9.30 to 14.30. Ten nests are included, with information about the species to which each belongs and in which parts of the park they can be found.
Click for information centre, La Mata regional park
8th November, health activities in Torrevieja
Keep fit in the La Mata-Torrevieja Natural Park
This free activity at the Information Centre of the La Mata-Torrevieja natural park starts at 11.00 and is designed to encourage healthy living in the natural environment. Prior booking is necessary.
12th to 16th November, bird photography exhibition in Torrevieja
“Las aves, vuelos sin fronteras” at the La Mata-Torrevieja Natural Park
20 photographs comprise this exhibition, which is of interest to visitors of all ages, showing the fascinating world of wetland birdlife. The exhibition is being held at the Information Centre of the La Mata-Torrevieja Natural park, and will be open from 9.30 to 14.00 for the duration of its five-day run.
14th November, natural wetland vineyards day in Torrevieja
“Todos con el viñedo natural” at the La Mata-Torrevieja Natural Park
This is an activity for volunteers who wish to help preserve vines which grow naturally in the wetlands around the Torrevieja and La Mata lakes, providing a habitat for birds as well as contributing to the local economy. The activity starts at 10.00 at the park’s Information Centre and includes the planting of new vines. Prior booking is necessary.
15th November, free guided tour of the natural park of Torrevieja
“Hábitats Extremos”, a 2-hour tour of the La Mata-Torrevieja Natural Park
Starting at 11.00 at the Information Centre of the La Mata-Torrevieja natural park, this 3.5-kilometre tour is conducted by a professor of Ecology at the University of Alicante, who will explain different natural habitats within the park’s boundaries. The walk is free of charge but prior booking is necessary.
Those taking part are advised to bring appropriate clothing and a snack.
16th November, ornithology tour of Torrevieja park
“La Migración, un viaje arriesgado” at the La Mata-Torrevieja Natural Park
This 3.5-kilometre tour begins at the Information Centre of the La Mata-Torrevieja natural park at 10.30 and is expected to last around 3 hours. Prior booking is necessary.
The main subject of the tour is the 3,500 annual migration of the swallow, and a tour of the park is also included.
19th November, volunteer campaign against invasive plant species in Torrevieja park
“Stop a las plantas invasoras” at the La Mata-Torrevieja Natural Park
Beginning at 11.00 at the Information Centre of the La Mata-Torrevieja natural park, this 2-hour activity invites volunteers to help rid the park of some of the invasive plant species which are threatening local ecosystems.
Prior booking is necessary, and participants are advised to bring appropriate clothing and a snack.
22nd November, wine tour of Torrevieja natural park
“Enología, historia y medio natural: uniones de supervivencia” at the La Mata-Torrevieja park
This 2-hour tour starts at the Information Centre of the La Mata-Torrevieja natural park at 11.00 and follows a 2.5-kilometre route among the unique grape plantations of the park. The vines here survived the phylloxera plague which devastated vineyards throughout Europe in the 19th century, and the tour explains the traditional art of wine production as practiced in Torrevieja.
Prior booking is necessary, and participants are advised to bring appropriate clothing and a snack.
23rd November, common shelduck protection morning in Torrevieja
“Tarro blanco: una especie de especial protección” at the La Mata-Torrevieja natural park
This informative talk and guided tour begins at the Information Centre of the La Mata-Torrevieja natural park at 10.30, and consists of a talk followed by a 3.5-kilometre tour.
The activity is expected to last around 3 hours, during which time visitors will learn all about the shelduck population of Torrevieja, and participants are advised to bring appropriate clothing and a snack. Prior reservation is necessary.
26th November, gastronomic event in Torrevieja market
“Agricultura y Dieta Mediterránea en humedales” at the La Plasa market in Torrevieja
Many of the elements of the typical Mediterranean diet can be found in the wetlands of the La Mata-Torrevieja natural park, and this event explains some of them to those taking part.
Two 90-minute sessions will be held at 10.30 and 12.00, during which dishes containing healthy ingredients will be prepared in the kitchens of the La Plasa market in the town centre of Torrevieja.
29th November, “Birds crafts: Knowing English” in Torrevieja
English language ornithology workshop in the La Mata-Torrevieja natural park
This activity, which runs from 11.00 to 13.00 on 29th November, aims to promote the use of English within the Natural Park of La Mata-Torrevieja, where English is the lingua franca used to communicate with most of the non-Spanish-speaking visitors.
The event is being held in the Information Centre of the Park and is free of charge, but prior registration is required for those wishing to take part.
30th November, solidarity bike ride in Torrevieja park
“Pedales solidarios” in the La Mata-Torrevieja natural park
Starting at 11.00 at the Lo Albentosa gate to the La Mata-Torrevieja natural park, this 90-minute family bicycle ride covers a distance of 10 kilometres, and is being held to raise funds for the AFA (Torrevieja Alzheimer Association).
Prior booking is necessary.
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