Orihuela is holding its annual mediaeval market between Friday 1st and Sunday 3rd February, filling the centre of this historic City with colour, noise and activity. This is a large scale mediaeval market and is spread across a wide swathe of the old quarter of Orihuela, divided into two distinct areas with the cathedral at the centre to represet the historic heritage of the city itself: Moors and Christians.
The Moorish camp is focused around the church of Santiago, enveloping the church of Justa y Rufina and the Moors and Christians museum, and the Christian encampment spreads across to the emblematic church of Santo Domingo, each of the two sides imprinting its own identity on the stalls and street decorations.
As you’d expect, there are a wide range of artisan products on offer from the craftsmen present, all of them costumed, with lots of street entertainment added in as well. Throughout the open hours of the market a series of “parades” through the streets are undertaken by different characters, including an apothecary and cart, a nun, belly dancers, jugglers, musicians and fire eaters. There is also a children’s zone and falconry displays, as well as an equestrian display, armed combat by both sides, equestrian display and mediaeval tournament.
– Be careful where you put your wallet in the crowded streets!
– Parking. Don´t even attempt to drive into the centre. The safest bet is to park next to the Ociopea shopping centre on the outskirts and just walk across, saves a lot of hassle.
– There will be maps distributed by guides during the market, but head for the cathedral in the centre as a point of orientation.Basic map showing the distribution of the market below, yellow for Moors, red for Christians.
– Programme can be printed off. use the print icon in the header bar.
Programme for the Orihuela mediaeval market
Friday 1st February (Zoco Árabe- Arab zone)
10:00 am. Route of the Sota de Bastos from the church of Sta. Justa.
10:30 am. Pasacalles by Al Ibi from Plaza Santiago.
11:30 am. Relive the signing of the Pact of Tudmir in the inauguration of the market, Plaza Carmen.
12:00 am. Children’s falconry. Plaza. Santiago.
13:00 am. Parade of Al Ibi from the church of Sta. Justa.
13:45 pm Combat competiton, Plaza. Santiago.
14:00 pm. Falconry display Plaza. Santiago.
17:00 pm Children’s falconry Plaza. Santiago.
18:00 pm Performance by sister Violeta and Mogollón de Santos, from Plaza. Santiago.
18:30 pm. Abanderados show. Plaza. Carmen.
19:00 pm Arab encampment combat Plaza. Santiago.
19:30 pm Juggling Plaza. Vía Manuel.
20:00 pm. Falconry display Plaza. Santiago
20:30 pm Abanderados display . Plaza. Carmen.
21:00 pm . Performance of Las Clérigas from Sta. Justa.
22:00 pm . Parade of Delittantos from Sta. Justa.
22:00 pm . Firee eating jugglers “Los Juglares”. Plaza. del Carmen.
Friday 1st February, Christian Zone
10:00 am The dwarf Froilán opens the children’s area, Santo. Domingo.
11:00 am Parade with the authorities to accompany them to the Mediaeval market
11:30 am parade of Viesematente from Plaza. Sta. Lucía.
12:00 am Puppet theatre. Plaza. Marqués de Rafal.
12:00 am children’s falconry Plaza. Sta Lucía.
12:00 am Christian combat display, Santo. Domingo.
13:00 pm. Mediaeval tournament. with the cathedral.
13:00 pm Juggling display. Paseo Calvo Sotelo.
13:00 pm Parade by Viesematente from Plaza. Sta. Lucía.
13:30 pm. Parade of El Jeperut Il Defons from Plaza. Marqués de Rafal.
14:00 pm Falconry display, Plaza. Sta. Lucía.
14:00 pm Romeo in love, parade from Plaza. Santa Lucía.
14:00 pm Parade of the Carro Matasanos from Plaza. Marqués de Rafal
17:00 pm Mediaeval tournament. Rincón Hernandiano.
16:00 pm Parade of Al Ibi from the Plaza. Marqués de Rafal.
16:00 pm Horse spectacular. Rincón Hernandiano.
17:00 pm Children’s falconryl. Plaza. Sta Lucía.
17:00 pm . Mediaeval tournament. Rincón Hernandiano.
18:00 pm Combat in the Christian encampment. Santo. Domingo.
18:00 pm. Puppet theatre. Plaza. Marqués de Rafal.
18:pm Abanderados show. Plaza. Sta. Lucía.
18:00 pm Equestrian spectacular. Rincón Hernandiano.
19:00 pm Parade of Visematene andl Santimbanki Urcleo from Plaza. Sta. Lucía.
19:00 pm . Mediaeval tournament. Rincón Hernandiano.
19:00 pm. Parade of Visematene andl Santimbanki Urcleo from Plaza. Sta. Lucía.
20:00 pm Falconry display, Plaza. Sta. Lucía.
20:00 pm. Abanderados show, Plaza. Sta. Lucía.
21:00 pm . Grand historic parade from Santo Domingo to Santiago.
21:00 pm . Parde of Al Ibi and Fakikerfrom Plaza. Sta. Lucía.
21:00 pm Performance by Entract , Pza. Marqués de Rafal
Saturday 2nd February (Zoco Árabe- Arab zone)
10:00 am. Route of the Sota de Bastos from Santa Justa.
10:30 am. Parade of Al Ibi from Plaza. Santiago.
11:00 am . Papaluna Teatro opens the children’s area in Plaza. Togores.
11:30 am Relive the signing of the pact of Tudmir in Plaza. Carmen.
12:00 am Children’s falconry. Plaza. Santiago.
12:00 midday. Parade of important figures from the Plaza. Santiago to Plaza. Carmen.
12:30 pm. Pregón , opening speeches of“Orihuela Medieval”. Plaza. Carmen.
13:00 pm Parade of Al Ibi from Santa. Justa.
13:00 pm Parade of Moon Roots from Plaza. Santiago.
13:45 pm Combat in the arab encampment Plaza. Santiago.
14:00 pm. Falconry display, Pza. Santiago.
17:00 pm Las Pícaras perform from Plaza. Santiago.
17:00 pm Children’s falconry. Plaza. Santiago
17:30 pm . Combat in the arab encampment Plaza. Santiago.Pza. Vía Manuel.
18:00 pm Performance by Sister Violeta and Mogollón de Santos from Plaza. Santiago.
18:00 pm Performance by Suqur Sadi from Plaza. Santiago.
18:30 pm Abanderados show. Plaza. Carmen.
19:00 pm Combat in the arab encampment Plaza. Santiago.
19:30 pm. The apothecary cart, from Plaza. Santiago.
19:30 pm Juggling show. Plaza. Vía Manuel.
20:00 pm. Falconry display, Pza. Santiago.
20:30 pm. Abanderados show . Plaza. Carmen.
21:00 pm Performance of The clerics from Santa Justa.
21:30 pm. Performance of Entract Plaza. del Carmen
22:00 pm. Parade of Delittantos from Santa. Justa.
22:00 Juggling fire eating display. Plaza. del Carmen
Saturday 2nd February, Christian zone
10:00 am The dwarf Froilán opens the children’s area. Santo. Domingo.
11:00 am. Mediaeval tournament. Rincón Hernandiano.
11:30 am Viesematente parade from Plaza. Sta. Lucía
11:45 am Entract parade from Plaza. Marqués de Rafal.
12:00 midday. Puppet theatre.Plaza. Marqués de Rafal.
12:00 pm . Children’s falconry Plaza. Sta Lucía.
12:00 midday combat in the Christian encampment. Santo. Domingo.
12:00 midday. Parade of the apothecary cart from Plaza. Marqués de Rafal.
12:00 midday parade of Suqur Sadi from Paseo Calvo Sotelo.
12:00 midday. Abanderadosshow in Plaza. Sta. Lucía.
13:00 pm Juggling show. Paseo Calvo Sotelo.
13:00 pm Viesematente parade from Plaza Sta. Lucía.
13:00 pm Mediaeval tournament. Rincón Hernandiano.
13:30 pm El Jeperut Il Defons parade from Plaza. Marqués de Rafal.
14:00 pm Parade of the apothecary cart from Pza. Marqués de Rafal.
14:00 pm Falconry display Plaza. Sta. Lucía.
14:00 pm Romeo in love , leaves from Plaza. Santa Lucía.
16:00 pm Equestrian spectacular. Rincón Hernandiano.
16:00 pm Al Ibi parade from Plaza Marqués de Rafal.
16:45 pm Entract parade from Sto. Domingo.
17:00 pm Children’s falconry . Plaza. Sta Lucía.
17:00 pm Mediaeval tournament. Rincón Hernandiano.
18:00 pm Puppet theater. Plaza. Marqués de Rafal.
18:00 Combat in the Christian encampment. Santo. Domingo.
18:00 pm Abanderados show from Plaza. Sta. Lucía.
18:00 pm Equestrian spectacular. Rincón Hernandiano.
18:30 pm Moon Root parade from Plaza. Marqués de Rafal.
19:00 pm. Viesematente and Urcleo parade from Plaza. Sta. Lucía
19:00 pm. Mediaeval tournament. Rincón Hernandiano
20:00 pm Abanderados show. Plaza. Sta. Lucía.
20:00 pm. Falconry display Plaza. Sta. Lucía.
20:00 pm Dance show by Suqur Sadi. Plaza. Marqués de Rafal.
20:30 pm Moon Root parade from Plaza. Marqués de Rafal.
21:00 pm Al Ibi and Fakiker parade from Plaza. Santa. Lucía.
21:00 pm Grand historic parade from Santo Domingo to Santiago.
Sunday 3rd February (Zoco Árabe)
10:00 am. Route of Sota de Bastos from Santa. Justa.
13:00 pm. Parade of Al Ibi from Santa. Justa.
11:00 am Papaluna Teatro opens the children’s space in Plaza. Togores.
11:30 am Relive the signing of the Pact of Tudmir in Plaza Carmen.
12:00 am Children’s falconry in Plaza Santiago.
13:45 pm Comabt in the Arab encampment Plaza. Santiago.
14:00 pm Falconry display Plaza Santiago.
17:00 pm. Las Pícaras perform, leaving from Plaza Santiago.
17:00 pm Children’s falconry in Plaza Santiago.
17:30 pm The apothecary cart leaves from Plaza. Vía Manuel.
18:00 pm Performance of Sister Violeta and Mogollón de Santos, from Plaza. Santiago.
18:00 pm Parade of Suqur Sadi from Plaza Santiago.
18:30 pm Abanderados show Plaza. Carmen.
19:00 pm Combat in the Arab encampmet Plaza Santiago.
19:30 pm The apothecary cart leaves from Plaza Vía Manuel.
19:10 Juggling show Plaza. Vía Manuel.
20:00 pm Falconry show Plaza. Santiago.
20:00 pm Dance performance by Suqur Sadi. Plaza. Carmen.
20:30 pm Abanderados show in Plaza. Carmen.
21:00 pm Delittantos parade fromSanta Justa.
21:30 pm Juggling fire eaters Plaza. Carmen
Sunday 3rd February, Christian zone
10:00 am The dwarf Froilán opens the children’s area in Santo Domingo.
11:00 am Mediaeval tournament. Rincón Hernandiano.
11:30 pm. Viesematente parade from Plaza. Sta. Lucía
11:45 pm Entract parade from Plaza. Marqués de Rafal.
12:00 midday Puppet theater. Plaza Marqués de Rafal.
12:00 midday Children’s falconry display Plaza. Sta Lucía.
12:00 midday. Christian combat in Santo Domingo.
12:00 midday The apothecary cart leaves from Pza. Marqués de Rafal
12:00 midday Abanderados parade from Plaza. Sta. Lucía.
12:00 midday Parade of Suqur Sadi fromPaseo Calvo Sotelo.
13:00 pm. Viesematente parade from Plaza. Sta. Lucía
13:00 pm. Mediaeval tournament. Rincón Hernandiano.
13:00 pm Juggling spectacular, Paseo Calvo Sotelo.
13:30 pm. Paarde of El Jeperut Il Defons from Plaza Marqués de Rafal.
14:00 pm. The apothecary cart leaves from Plaza Marqués de Rafal
14:00 Romeo inlove leaves from Plaza Santa Lucía.
14:00 pm Falconry display, Plaza Sta. Lucía.
16:00 pm Parade of Al Ibi from Plaza Marqués de Rafal.
16:00 pm Equestrian spectacular. Rincón Hernandiano.
16:45 pm. Parade of Entract from Sto. Domingo.
17:00 pm Children’s falconry. Plaza. Sta Lucía.
17:00 pm. Torneo Medieval. Rincón Hernandiano.
18:00 pm Puppet theatre. Plaza Marqués de Rafal.
18:00 pm Abanderados show. Plaza. Sta. Lucía.
18:00 pm Christian combat in Santo. Domingo.
18:00 pm Equestrian spectacular. Rincón Hernandiano.
18:30 pm Moon Root parade from Plaza Marqués de Rafal.
19:00 pm. Viesematente andUrcleo parade from Plaza Sta. Lucía
19:00 pm Mediaeval tournament. Rincón Hernandiano.
20:00 pm Abanderados show in Plaza. Sta. Lucía.
20:00 pm Falconry display Plaza. Sta. Lucía.
20:30 pm Moon Root parade from Plaza Marqués de Rafal.
21:00 pm Parade of Al Ibi and Fakiker from Plaza Sta. Lucía.
21:00 pm Grand historic parade from Santo Domingo to Santiago.
21:00 pm Entract show in Plaza Marqués de Rafal
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