This past weekend, the Generalitat Valenciana announced that it was extending the restrictions that essentially affect the night-time sector in view of the advance of the coronavirus pandemic and extending them to other sectors, to other types of premises open to the public. Far from staying there, the health measures continue their course and this Wednesday the Ministry of Health reported that the restrictive measures being applied on the city of Valencia will remain in force 14 days.
From Councillor Barceló’s department, she said that the situation in the city of Valencia “has improved, although not enough”. The truth is that in the last balance of Health the capital appears as the municipality of the Community that more outbreaks were detected on Tuesday.
In this way, the Health Department has extended the following measures by 14 days: total restriction of visits and outings in the city’s retirement homes and the obligation to limit family or friend meetings to a maximum of 10 people.
Autonomous measures
But the restrictive measures are not being applied exclusively on the city of Valencia, but the Generalitat Valenciana reported this past weekend that the regional measures were extended 21 days more and also increased in affected sectors. These are the measures in force over the next two weeks in the provinces of Valencia, Alicante and Castellón.
Nightly Leisure
As far as nightlife is concerned, in the Comunitat Valenciana the activity of discotheques, dance halls, karaoke and cocktail bars with and without live music performances will continue to be suspended.
Hotels and restaurants
Likewise, in hotel and catering establishments, terraces and beach bars or restaurants, the obligation to secure 1.5 metres between tables or groups of tables is maintained. This distance must be measured between the closest people to the different tables or groups, which must have a maximum occupancy of 10 people.
Closing times
On the other hand, hotel and catering establishments and services must continue to close no later than 1 a.m. In addition, products or drinks from the establishment may not be consumed outside the area limited to the terrace, and collective or group consumption of drinks on the street or in public spaces is not permitted.
New sectors affected
The new resolution includes, as a novelty with respect to the previous one, that the establishments considered as gambling casinos, bingo halls, gambling halls, arcades and specific betting shops they must also close no later than 1 a.m., with no new customers being allowed after 1 a.m. These measures apply every day of the week, including public holidays.
Family meetings
In addition, the recommendation to limit family or social gatherings, in private spaces, to a maximum of 10 people is maintained.
With respect to events and activities with an expected influx of more than 400 people, their organization continues to be subject to prior authorization by the General Directorate of Public Health and Addictions.
No smoking
The ban on smoking on public roads or in open air spaces is maintained when a minimum interpersonal distance of at least 2 metres cannot be respected. This limitation applies to any device for inhaling tobacco, water pipes, bongos or the like, including electronic cigarettes or vanes.
Nursing homes
As indicated in the previous resolution, and without prejudice to the corresponding development established by the Vice-presidency and Regional Ministry of Equality and Inclusive Policies, in the residences and social health centres, also in the residential centres for the treatment of addictions dependent on the Regional Ministry of Universal Health, PCR tests will be carried out on all new admissions and re-admissions with a maximum of 72 hours’ notice.
Besides, visits are still limited to one person per residentThe aim is to improve the quality of life of the maximum duration of one hour per day, a Exception of those people who are in the process of the end of life.