The Alzira People’s Party has met with different sports clubs in the city to find out first-hand what their needs are at the moment. Following these meetings, the opposition group has asked that a municipal plan for de-climbing in sports facilities is implemented since “different measures have been taken at sporting events on the same weekend”.
At the beginning of this season for all sports teams and following the anti-Covid rules from the City Council is preventing the entry to the facilities of all persons who will not perform the appropriate training. This regulation is producing “curious and annoying situations” in which families pull the imagination and ingenuity to follow the training and that often causes the breach of the social distance required at this time, regret from the PP as the parents choose to watch training from the fences.
A couple of weeks ago, a game of the first team of the U.D. Alzira was played and following some sanitary rules it was possible to attend the game but a few hours before it was played a game of a team of the school of the same club behind closed doors. “Behind closed doors for the families of the athletes, but not for the area councilman, who also violated anti-Covid regulations which is required of families,” they denounce.