De-escalation in Valencia | Valencia begins a key week in the de-escalation with new developments

The Valencian Community begins this Monday a key week for the control of the coronavirus pandemic. The risk of contagion is minimal in 94% of the municipalities of the Comunitat, according to the president of the Consell, Ximo Puig, and some activities and services resume activity. They remain in force, yes, most of the measures and restrictions against the Covid that were decreed last March 11.

The number of infections has been drastically reduced in the Comunitat Valenciana – Health has reported only 54 this Sunday – and some agencies and institutions have announced the return of certain services and the reopening of facilities.

Valencia reopens the Municipal Registry and the Padron

This is the case of the City Council of Valencia, which has announced that it will open, starting this Monday, March 22, the Municipal Registry and the Register located in Tabacalera. Citizens may attend in person at these offices by appointment. Valencians can request an appointment through the information telephone 010 or through the web

Elementary sports facilities reopen in Valencia

The Valencia City Council has decided to reopen the Elementary Sports Facilities of the city from Monday 22 March. The reopening will affect the 71 facilities and will have to comply with rules for proper use in conditions of safety and prevention: the hours of use will be from 9.00 to 22.00 hours and will be allowed to practice sports in individual modalities and in pairs or in groups of four people maximum, without physical contact and with the recommended safety distance and the use of the mask.

The outpatient clinics resume face-to-face patient care.

The Regional Ministry of Health has given the order that you can perform any usual activity, such as face-to-face consultations in health centers and scheduled surgery in hospitals. These activities were suspended on January 8 during the third wave of the pandemic. This measure, however, has not established a specific date and is subject to the contingency plans of each health department.


Despite the relaxation of some measures, the restrictions decreed by the Health Ministry on 11 March remain in force at least until 12 April. The data on the evolution of the pandemic is positive, but The authorities prefer to take a cautious approach.. This Friday, Puig insisted that after April 12 will follow, if the current good situation persists, a de-escalation but will be “prudent to arrive in the best conditions for the summer to spend a summer as normal as possible”. For example, Puig explained that the lifting of the perimeter closure of the Comunitat will be adopted depending on two aspects: the epidemiological situation after Easter and the general when May 9 concludes the State of alarm. “We must take safe steps,” he said.

Perimeter closure

Limitation on the entry and exit of persons from the territory of the Comunitat Valenciana. It is allowed to move around the provinces of Valencia, Alicante and Castellón.


Restriction on the movement of people at night between 22.00 and 06.00 hours. As in the case of the perimeter closure, during this time slot it is not allowed to circulate on public roads except in the exceptions listed in the DOGV.

Social and family gatherings

Groups of more than four persons may not be formed in public use spaces, unless they are cohabitants.

In homes and spaces for private use, both indoors and outdoors, only family and social gatherings of persons belonging to the same nucleus or cohabiting group are permitted.


Non-professional activities related to upbringing and care, such as care and accompaniment of minors, elderly people, people in a situation of dependency, with functional diversity or in a situation of special vulnerability.

The alternate cohabitation of sons and daughters with their parents who do not live with each other.

The foster care of minors in any of its typologies.

The reunion of persons with matrimonial or couple ties who live in different domiciles.

Persons living alone may be incorporated into another single cohabitation unit, provided that only a single person living alone is incorporated into this cohabitation unit.

Religious worship and celebrations.

The stay in places of worship, for religious meetings, celebrations and gatherings, including wedding ceremonies or other specific religious celebrations, may not exceed 50% of its capacity, provided that the interpersonal distance respects a minimum of 1.5 meters.


The permitted capacity inside the premises is 30%, always respecting strict compliance with ventilation and air conditioning measures in interior spaces. In the outdoor terraces the capacity is 100%.

The closing time of these establishments will be at 18:00 hours.

The occupation of tables will be a maximum of four people per table or grouping of tables. The distance between tables will be two metres indoors and 1.5 metres on outdoor terraces. Consumption will always be seated at the table and the use of a mask will be compulsory when not consuming.

The following activities are prohibited in these establishments:

-The use of the bar.

-Self-service or buffet type services.


-Dancing, neither indoors nor outdoors.


Shops and shopping centers

Commercial and professional service activity establishments and premises shall reduce the total capacity to 50%.

In commercial premises and commercial surfaces whose activity is the sale of products and articles, it shall not be possible to sell after 8 p.m., except those considered essential for the sale of food products, beverages, hygiene products, pharmaceutical establishments, health, optical, orthopedic products, hairdressing services and pet food, only for the sale of such products.

In commercial and service-providing premises, including those located in shopping centers, the use of common and recreational areas of commercial parks is not permitted, except for transit between commercial establishments.

Holding of events

Events of any kind involving agglomeration or concentration of people that take place both outdoors and indoors shall not be held. Public shows, recreational and socio-cultural activities, animal exhibitions and popular celebrations are considered as such events and activities.

Those cultural events and activities included in the ordinary, regular programming of cultural and artistic premises and establishments such as conference halls, museums and exhibition halls, multi-purpose halls, socio-cultural halls, cinema shows, cinemas, summer cinemas, drive-in cinemas shall not be considered as events and activities. Theatrical and musical shows, theatres, amphitheatres, auditoriums, multifunctional halls, performing arts halls and other similar spaces whose ordinary activity is cultural, as well as the holding of selective tests or exams held by official bodies or educational centres. Some cinemas that had been closed have reopened this past week.

All these activities must comply with the 50% capacity limitations.

Physical activity and sport

Physical activity and sport may be practised outdoors and in open or closed facilities, without physical contact and in individual modalities and those practised in pairs. The activity practised on its own or directed by a professional may be carried out in groups of a maximum of 4 people, without physical contact and maintaining a safe distance.

For the realization of sporting activity outdoors or in open sports facilities, and provided that it is possible to maintain a safe distance, the use of a mask will not be mandatory. The mask will be mandatory in areas or spaces with a large influx of people, where it is not possible to maintain the safety distance recommended by the health authorities with other athletes or pedestrians. For the realization of sports activities in closed facilities, the use of a mask will be mandatory.

These are the new rules in gyms.

Use of swimming pools and beaches

Swimming pools for recreational use, swimming pools in hotels, tourist accommodation and swimming pools in housing estates must respect the limit of 30% of their capacity both in terms of access and recreational practice. The changing rooms may be used. But you can not use the showers or water fountains.

Access to the beaches for walking or outdoor physical and sporting activity is permitted, maintaining the measures of physical distance and hygiene and prevention, always within the limitation of freedom of movement and mobility and the maximum number of people who can stay in a group. The use of the mask at beaches and swimming pools is compulsory at all times for all persons over six years of age, except during bathing.

Parks and gardens

Parks, gardens and outdoor recreational areas shall remain open except during the time period that limits the mobility or circulation of persons. In outdoor recreational playgrounds, bouncy castles, slides and other children’s games, the safety and hygiene measures established by the health authorities shall be respected.

Enclosed premises and activities

The preventive closure and precautionary suspension of activities, establishments, spaces or centers where traditional festive activities are carried out is maintained.

The suspension of the activity of discotheques, dance halls and bars with and without live musical performances, pubs, cyber cafes, cafes theater, cafes concert, cafes singer, nor the realization of karaokes and sporadic or amateur singing performances is maintained. Ambient music is allowed.

The suspension of recreational and gambling activities in establishments such as gambling casinos, bingo halls, slot machine arcades, slot machine arcades, gaming halls, tombolas, cyber halls and the like is maintained. The TSJ has allowed the use of gaming machines in bars.

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