Health resumes face-to-face care in the health centres of the Valencian Region

Health has initiated the process of recovery of normal activity in the health centres of the Comunitat.Progressive resumption of in-person assistance at the health centresThe hospitals began to take over the specialty appointments and operations. In addition, hospitals will be allowed to the presence of a couple of persons accompanying those admitted.although the ICU will continue to be restricted to one person.

The Conselleria of Universal Health and Public Health, through the general direction of Health Care, has sent to all health departments the update of the organizational measures of hospitals and health centers. according to the epidemiological situation. Orders have been issued to allow all scheduled activities (including consultations and surgical interventions) to be carried out. always taking into account the contingency plans of each department and progressively favouring face-to-face activity, without detriment to the performance of non-face-to-face consultations and telemedicine to avoid unnecessary patient travel.

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It will also be possible to resume the group or community health promotion, prevention or self-care activities. in a face-to-face manner, provided that preventive measures are guaranteed and with a maximum capacity of 30%.

The aim of these new measures is to make the presence of patients, relatives and other social agents in health centres more flexible. Thus, in the case of the accompaniment of patients admitted to hospitalsa maximum of two personswho shall always be the same and who shall alternate with each otherThe room will be occupied by only one of them. For persons admitted to the Intensive Care Units, visits will be limited to one person only. and for a maximum period of 30 minutes per morning and afternoon shift. Terminally ill patients may be accompanied by up to a maximum of 3 people simultaneously, preventive measures permitting, from 8am to 10pm.

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The measures aimed at Women throughout the pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium process.who may be accompanied by a person of their choice at all times (except during the performance of a caesarean section) as long as the minimum distance between persons of 1.5 metres can be guaranteed. In addition, group activities such as childbirth preparation or breastfeeding workshops will be permitted with a capacity of less than 30% of the space.

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In addition, the holding seminars, clinical sessions or conferences. respecting the social distance and with a capacity limited to 30% of the capacity of the room. In this sense, and with the aim of maintaining the traceability of possible cases, a record of visits to health centres by laboratory delegates will be established, who will be able to access on a scheduled basis.

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At the same time, the Conselleria has decided to allow volunteering in health centres it is a significant support for patients and their families. However, volunteering activity does not always require being in person, so the aim is to promote actions that can be carried out without going inside the centre, such as telephone calls or video calls.

The protocol establishes that only volunteers who can prove that they belong to an association formally registered in the Autonomous Register of Associations of the Valencian Community and that has an agreement with the Conselleria.

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