Queues and lab appointments for PCR before Christmas Eve

“I’m taking the PCR test for protect my yaya». Maria Jesus is a 19-year-old girl. She lives with her parents and today they are going to celebrate Christmas Eve with her grandmother, like every year. She does not have no symptoms of Covid-19He has no fever, no trouble breathing, no loss of smell or taste, and no severe headaches. Neither do his parents. But the girl wants to stay calm and to know that he’s not going to infect one of the people he loves most tonight in this world.

Maria Jesus was standing in line first thing yesterday morning in front of a blood test clinic. It’s the fourth one and behind it are two more people. Like this girl, thousands of valencians have been subjected to voluntary PCR tests during the last two weeks and have queued up at these clinics so they can make sure they are not infected with Covid-19 and attend the Christmas celebrations almost certainly not to become carriers of the virus, especially with the older ones.

Antigen test or PCR? Margarita del Val decides on the

In addition to the queues that could be seen in front of some of these establishments, others have opted for prior appointment in order to control the avalanche recorded during the last two weeks.

“The number of PCR tests we do have increased a lot in the last few dates”Ana Montoro, who runs a centre on Avenida de Baleares, comments. “People are tested before they are reunited with their families to make it as safe as possible,” she says.

Travel test

But not only people who are worried about not infecting their elders are tested, there are also those they take this test to go on a tripAlthough the Valencian Community is subject to a perimeter closure until 15 January and you can not enter or leave without a justified cause and tourism today is not.

“The most tested are those who plan to travel and have to guarantee by means of a PCR test carried out up to 72 hours before taking a flight that they are not infected“, says Ana Montoro of Montoro Laboratories. The director of this center assures that there are many people who go to the Balearic Islands or the Canary Islands, and even abroad, where a negative test is required to enter.

Alert in the Community: the 15 municipalities with an incidence of more than 1,000 positive by Covid

In another well-known clinic established next to Campanar Avenue they have also noticed a rise in demand for evidence. “In the last two weeks, the number of PCR tests we perform has increased by 25%,” says an Ascires spokesperson.

Most of the Valencians who come to this centre do so for the Christmas dinners and lunches. “To avoid the avalanche we make an appointment,” he says. Those who come to take the tests enter the centre through a door separate from the main door to separate those who are suspected of suffering from Covid, or simply want to know your statusfrom the rest of the patients.

Test to give away

The increase in testing at this clinic in Campanar is indicated by entire families who have been tested to be more relaxed during these holiday meetings.

The Valencian Community suffers the second highest number of infections from the pandemic

The clinic in Montoro offers its clients gift tests, which they have called six PCR “capacity pack” for 510 euros o six antigens for 210. And another modality, analysis for 10 people for 800 euros and 10 antigens, for 300. Individual PCRs vary from 100 euros to 200 euros depending on how long it takes to get the result.


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